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Image by lisboa ind.

Pro Youth are available to offer a quality and bespoke Outreach and Detached service for Local Authorities for the benefit of young people in the borough, including hard to reach and deprived areas.


Our detached youth work sessions operate without the use of a building and takes place where young people "are at" both geographically and developmentally.  We can deliver informal social education where there is a perceived need. 


Our outreach offer also takes place in local neighbourhoods or where young people socialise and can support and compliment new and existing projects that may require additional support from us.  Primarily our outreach offer will be used to inform young people of services that exist in their locality and to encourage them to use such services.  


Pro Youth have a sound knowledge of local agencies that offer a variety of support for young people.  We can also seek to identify, through consultation with young people, any gaps that exist in services aimed at meeting their needs.

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